NCSI proceeds along three synergistic but distinct routes that can be modeled as
Regionally distributed workshops PULL faculty within a reasonable travel distance for a week of
intense interdisciplinary training, collaboration, and curriculum development in computational
science. Participants explore the use of modeling and visualization tools in existing courses,
while stimulating creation of new courses and promoting new modes of undergraduate research. NCSI
staff and participants proactively PUSH computational science and computational science education
onto the agendas of professional and discipline-specific societies, offer workshops, conduct
tutorials, present papers and posters, and serve on program committees. To sustain these efforts,
NCSI works to PERMEATE on-going and proposed undergraduate curriculum efforts with computational
science content. NCSI develops and provides interdisciplinary and discipline specific
web-accessible courses for faculty enhancement, such as
Computational Chemistry for Chemistry Educators, and resources for interactive exploration including interactive curricula, problem-based
modeling modules, tools, and tutorials.
NCSI operates in partnership with the Education, Outreach and Training Partnership for Advanced
Computational Infrastructure (EOT-PACI), The National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Clemson University, Appalachian State University, the
National Computational Science Education Consortium (NCSEC), the Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Sigma
Xi, the North Carolina Supercomputing Center, and more than two dozen academic institutions, high
performance computing centers and vendors.