Create a User Account

Shodor > NCSI > Create a User Account

Data Usage Policy

The data you provide in this account form will only be visible to the Shodor staff who administer this website/database, except in the following cases.

  • If you register for a workshop, the Local Coordinators and Lead Instructors of that workshop will be able to view your username, email address, institution, department, occupation, full name, and pronouns (if provided).

  • If you are a student submitting an XSEDE EMPOWER application, no data from this form will be visible or shared with the external application review committee. The XSEDE EMPOWER Coordinator may share your full name and application privately with potential EMPOWER mentors (but NOT the external review committee) in order to match your application with potential positions. Otherwise, no data in this account form will be visible or shared.

  • If you are a potential XSEDE EMPOWER mentor submitting a position, your full name and institution will be listed on the public website in conjunction with the position(s) you submitted. None of the other data you submit in this account form will be listed on the public website. If a student is accepted to work on your position, your full name, institution, and email address will be shared with that student privately.
Choose a username
Choose a password
Confirm password
Contact Information
Full name
Pronouns (optional)
Confirm email
Primary phone
(include area code)
Secondary phone - optional
(include area code)
Please select the occupation that best represents your current position
Name of your university or institution
If your institution is not on the list, enter it here
Your department
These data are optional and will only be used in aggregate statistical reporting of the demographics of our programs' applicants and participants. Your responses to these prompts will NOT be shared in conjunction with your personally identifiable information.
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