Machine Learning Over Parallel Architecture and Outreach
We hope to continue our wonderful EMPOWER student intern from Fall 2018 semester, and ultimately guide him towards a career pathway in computational research.
Job Description
1) Maintain a department server with multiple GPUs; 2) Set up a new department server, including investigating proper configuration based on usage, applications and (very limited) budget; 3) Explore options of conducting parallel computation over public resources such as XSEDE; 4) Outreach activities to local community college and public schools to promote high-performance computing.
Computational Resources
Specifically we will use Comet, which is suitable for ML with support of Singularity. We will also explore educational suitability of other XSEDE resources such as Bridges and Stampede2.
Contribution to Community
Position Type
Training Plan
The student has been under intensive training in Fall 2017 semester. We will continue training in advanced topics in machine learning and parallel architecture and performance evaluation throughout Spring 2018.
Student Prerequisites/Conditions/Qualifications
Parallel programming, shell scripting, CUDA programming, A.I., machine learning