Computational Determination of Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of N-heterocyclic Carbene Nickel Nitrosyl Complexes

Shodor > NCSI > XSEDE EMPOWER > XSEDE EMPOWER Positions > Computational Determination of Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of N-heterocyclic Carbene Nickel Nitrosyl Complexes

Mentor NameS. Chantal E. Stieber
Mentor's XSEDE AffiliationResearch Allocation, Education Allocation, Campus Champion
Mentor Has Been in XSEDE Community4-5 years
Project TitleComputational Determination of Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of N-heterocyclic Carbene Nickel Nitrosyl Complexes
SummaryThe intern will conduct quantum mechanical calculations of nickel complexes with bidentate N-heterocyclic carbene and nitrosyl ligands. These complexes are synthesized in the PI's lab and this computational work will investigate electronic structures and mechanisms related to reduction of NO. This will complement experimental work in the area NO reduction for applications in sustainable chemistry.
Job DescriptionThe intern will complete geometry optimization calculations of proposed nickel nitrosyl complexes that span a range of charges and oxidation states. For each optimized structure, the student will determine the electronic structure and oxidation state of the metal and NO ligand. EPR and IR spectra will be calculated to be compared to experimental data from the research laboratory. The calculations will be conducted with the ORCA program, which is a
free software for computational chemistry that the PI has installed on the Comet cluster. They will write up their results in a final report with the intent of eventual publication and present their findings at the SACNAS conference in Fall.
Computational ResourcesThe student will use the Comet cluster with Oasis
storage to conduct quantum mechanical calculations
that necessitate the use of parallel processing. The
program (ORCA) the student will use is already
installed on the cluster and has been actively used by
the PI, the research group, and the educational
allocations. For the complexes of interest, typically
one node is sufficient, however up to 24 processors
greatly improve the speed.
Contribution to CommunityThis project enables an application of the XSEDE
resources to broader projects in chemistry and
pharmaceutical applications. The project takes place
at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, so this facilitates
broader participation for all students in STEM and the
XSEDE community. Past students who have been
involved in the EMPOWER program have been vocal
advocates on campus for XSEDE and the
EMPOWER program, enabling more students to join
the community.
Position TypeIntern
Training PlanThe student will already be trained since they have
been employed as an apprentice and intern already. The student
should have familiarity with
searching the chemical literature and will meet with
the PI on a regular basis to set goals and discuss any
challenges. The student will be working remotely
from home (due to COVID restrictions) and will need
a computer and wifi/Zoom access, but all software for
computations and data analysis are free. The student
will be expected to write brief weekly updates with
progress and questions, with a final research report at
the end of the semester.
Student Prerequisites/Conditions/QualificationsFamiliarity with Orca program
Start Date08/19/2021
End Date12/03/2021

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