Quantify Beauty with AI

Shodor > NCSI > XSEDE EMPOWER > XSEDE EMPOWER Positions > Quantify Beauty with AI

Mentor NameLiwen Shih
Mentor's XSEDE AffiliationXSEDE Campus Champion & inaugural Fellow
Mentor Has Been in XSEDE Community4-5 years
Project TitleQuantify Beauty with AI
SummaryTechnology progress into higher definition (HD) demands high-quality content strategy. This project aims in automating the creating and discerning aesthetic levels among visual contents of images, art, graphics, etc... (and can be extended later beyond visual content). Data will be extracted from measuring/filtering/transforming visual contents for AI machine learning analysis to uncover the mystery of what constitute absolute/biological/emotional beauty and harmony, thus enabling the synthesis, selection and creation of beautiful contents for our HD world.
Job Description1. Learn and program image processing.
2. Learn to program to extract data from measuring/filtering/transforming visual contents.
3. Explore data visualization and machine learning to form hypothesis for artificial beauty rules.
4. Work as XSEDE student campus champions and teaching/equipment assistants for monthly XSEDE training.
Computational Resources1. XSEDE supercomputing Clusters with Data Mining.
2. Data visualization software.
3. AI & Machine Learning software.
Contribution to Community
Position TypeApprentice
Training PlanTraining Approach – Building a Machine Learning Model that takes an image and classifies whether it is conforms to a (pre-programmed) standard of beauty, pertaining to the nature of the image.

Training Format - weekly meetings + self-guided tutorials/papers/websites + hands-on programming

Student learning goals - Intro to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Learn Python, TensorFlow, Keras, Spark

Training resources:

1. Course – Udemy Python 3 Bootcamp, Google ML Crash Course, Udacity TensorFlow 2.0 Course, Microsoft Artificial Intelligence Track

2. Website – Google, Udemy, Udacity, YouTube, Microsoft

3. Reading – Textbook: Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow, Supplemental: The Golden Ratio: The Divine Beauty of Mathematics

Golden Ratio Book (for possible applications)
5 hrs
Selection of type of ML Model and Domain

Google ML Course
10 hrs
Primitive ML Model

XSEDE Big Data & ML Training
10 hrs
Beginner Big Data Badge

Hands on ML with TensorFlow
10 hrs
More Robust, trained Model

Final Poster & Report
10 hrs
Successful Poster Session at Student Conference
Student Prerequisites/Conditions/Qualifications1. Interest and background in visual contents. 2. Thrive on challenge in complex problem solving. 3. Team synergy. 4. Effective communication.
Start Date01/22/2019
End Date05/06/2019

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