Regional University Learners Programming Cohort

Shodor > NCSI > XSEDE EMPOWER > XSEDE EMPOWER Positions > Regional University Learners Programming Cohort

Mentor NameJeremy Evert
Mentor's XSEDE AffiliationCampus Champion
Mentor Has Been in XSEDE Community3-4 years
Project TitleRegional University Learners Programming Cohort
SummaryFaculty at a regional university will mentor Learners for the XSEDE EMPOWER Learners program. Faculty will guide the students through multiple modules from the SHODOR site. Faculty will also coordinate meetings with other regional and national leaders in HPC education.
Job DescriptionStudent duties include learning programming in a supercomputing environment for the purpose of scientific programming.
They will experience multiple algorithms while working through several of the Petascale materials as a learning exercise.
They will also experience multiple architectures by running parallel code from simple systems, such as virtual cluster computers built on their laptop, up to larger systems available, such as Blue Waters, Cowboy, Schooner, and Stampede 2.
Computational ResourcesStudents will need a learning allocation on Blue Waters and Stampede 2. They will use no more than 5,000 hours on each supercomputer. Students will use these supercomputers with a batch scheduler. Students will load openMP and MPI modules. Students will use less than 16 GB of RAM and less than 1 TB of storage. Students will use these environments to run code for the determinant problem, traveling salesman problem, as well as the code for the modules from Petascale. If they students need greater resources, we can work together to request additional allocations on other systems.
Contribution to Community
Position TypeLearner
Training PlanRun all codes on all available cluster computers
Week starting on
14 Jan 2019
Build a virtual cluster on a laptop &
build a raspberry pi cluster
Set up accounts on:
-University of Oklahoma Schooner
-Oklahoma State University Cowboy
-Texas Advanced Computing Center Stampede2
-XSEDE Blue Waters
Learning Module: A Beginner's Guide to High-Performance Computing" "

21 Jan 2019
"Programming: Sequential: Write a sequential guess and check solution for the traveling salesman problem
Programming: Parallel: Write a parallel hello world program in MPI
Learning Module: Parallelization: Area Under a Curve
" "

28 Jan 2019
"Learning Module: Parallelization: Conway's Game of Life
Programming: Sequential: Write a sequential solution for the determinant
Programming: Sequential: Write an MPI version of the guess and check solution for TSP"

4 Feb 2019
"Learning Module: HPC on a Single Thread
Programming: Sequential: Write a Ant Colony Optimization solution for the traveling salesman problem
Programming: Parallel: Write an openMP solution for the determinant problem"

11 Feb 2019
"Learning Module: Introduction to OpenMP
Programming: Parallel: Write an openMP guess and Check solution for the traveling salesman problem."

18 Feb 2019 "
Programming: Parallel: Wrie an MPI version with openMP for the determinant
Learning Module: GalaxSee HPC Module 1: The N-Body Problem, Serial and Parallel Simulation"

25 Feb 2019
"Programming: Parallel: Write a OpenMP version of Ant Colony Optimization for TSP
Learning Module: Multithreading and Multiprocessing"

4 Mar 2019
"Learning Module: Techniques and Technologies
Programming: Parallel: Write an MPI ACO TSP code"

11 Mar 2019
"Learning Module: An Introduction to Scientific Computing
Programming: Parallel: Write an MPI with openMP code for ACO TSP

18 Mar 2019
"Learning Module: Learning Automated Performance Analysis using PetaKit and the Bootable Cluster CD
Hardware: Build a 2 node BCCD Cluster Computing Environmnet."

25 Mar 2019
"Learning Module: Living Links: Applications of Matrix Operations to Population Studies
Programming: Parallel: Test a library solution for the determinant on one node."

1 Apr 2019
"Learning Module: Probable Cause: Modeling with Markov Chains
Programming: Parrallel: Test a library solution for the determinant on a full raspberry pi cluster"

13 Apr 2019
OK HPC Competition

24-25 Sep 2019
OK Supercomputing Symposium Presentation
Student Prerequisites/Conditions/QualificationsEvery student that works with me will be required to: Attend the weekly OneOCII call on Fridays at 2:00 PM CST every week they work with me. Arrange a 1 hour office hour time with me to go over their progress and discuss barriers they are having Arrange a 1 hour class time with me and the rest of the cohort to come together as a group and talk through the weekly assignment. This meeting time might also be used to host virtual guest speakers, such as center directors, or one of their team members. Turn in a final 5-7 page report that details their experience, what they enjoyed the most, learned the most from, and which parts they wish they had more time with. They should turn in their best time to solve a 5,000 by 5,000 determinant on a Raspberry Pi cluster. They should turn in their best distance a standard city traveling salesman problem of their choice from TSPLIB. Turn in a 3-5 page research proposal for the topic they would like to go research next. This should include a list of papers on this subject, some key researchers, and which supercomputers are running code for this area.
Start Date01/14/2019
End Date04/07/2019

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